¿Por qué no está mi libro en las librerías?
Es una de esas preguntas que no tiene una respuesta fácil (cómo vender más libros es otro de esos interrogantes), aunque Brooke Warner apunta algunas de ellas en este artículo.
“…don’t assume that just because you have a publisher or a distributor that your book is going to be in bookstores. Your distributor’s job is to keep the channels open and flowing. Distribution means that your book is readily available and easy to get. (…) But remember, your job is to give reason, and to be working all the angles to make your book attractive to buyers. Your publisher may very well be working these angles, too, but don’t assume they are. If you’re doing something on your own, or through an outside publicist, let your publisher know and explicitly ask that they pass the info along to the reps. It’s astounding how busy people are today, which means that you need to stay on their radar. And the only way to do that is to keep showing up”.
Warner se centra en cinco motivos, casi todos ellos relacionados con la promoción (incluidas las reseñas en medios) y la ardua competencia que un título debe afrontar para que un librero le haga un hueco en mostradores y escaparates. En resumen, se trata de convencer al lector, al comprador, de que nuestro libro merece la pena. Aunque si uno es un autor autopublicado todo es un poco más difícil…
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