George R. R. Martin publica un extracto de ‘The Winds of Winter‘

Cuando falta poco más de una semana para el estreno de la quinta temporada de la serie Juego de tronos, el escritor George R. R. Martin ha publicado un extracto de la próxima novela de la serie Canción de hielo y fuego, titulada The Winds of Winter. El fragmento, de unas 6.700 palabras, está narrado por Alayne Stone (Sansa Stark disfrazada) y empieza así:
She was reading her little lord a tale of the Winged Knight when Mya Stone came knocking on the door of his bedchamber, clad in boots and riding leathers and smelling strongly of the stable. Mya had straw in her hair and a scowl on her face. That scowl comes of having Mychel Redfort near, Alayne knew.
“Your lordship,” Mya informed Lord Robert, “Lady Waynwood’s banners have been seen an hour down the road. She will be here soon, with your cousin Harry. Will you want to greet them?”
Why did she have to mention Harry? Alayne thought. We will never get Sweetrobin out of bed now. The boy slapped a pillow. “Send them away. I never asked them here.”
Podéis leer el extracto completo aquí. The Winds of Winter, sexta entrega de la serie, aún no tiene fecha de publicación prevista.
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